“When we understand every single secret of the universe, there will still be left the eternal mystery of the human heart.” – Stephen Fry
But what is not a mystery anymore is how to keep it in good health and what to eat for a healthy heart.
The heart is one of the most important organs in our body, but we tend to neglect it, by putting it under daily stress and wrong nutrition. Eating healthy food is vital for the wellbeing of the cardiovascular system.
In order to eat healthily and have a healthy heart, we should include these 15 foods in our diet.
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15 Best Foods for a Healthy Heart:
#1 –Fish
Salmon, mackerel, herrings, codfish can reduce the risk of suffering from arrhythmias and arteriosclerosis. It is recommended to eat these kinds of fish 2-3 times a week.
#2 – Oats

Oat is a kind of cereal rich in fiber which lowers bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and makes digestion easier. Porridge (oatmeal), soups or delicious side dishes are all great ways to consume oats.
#3 – Wild berries
Wild berries, such as currants, strawberries and raspberries support the dilatation of blood vessels, and this is the reason why they help battle hypertension.
#4 – Dark chocolate

Eating chocolate containing not less than 60-70% of cocoa may help stabilize blood pressure, battle inflammatory processes and avoid the formation of blood clots.
#5 – Walnuts
Walnuts are rich in fiber and proteins, both very important for a healthy heart. What is more, they contain Vitamin E, which helps lower “bad cholesterol” levels (LDL).
#6 – Extra virgin olive oil

A few little spoons of extra virgin olive oil are enough to protect our arteries and lower the glucose level in the blood.
#7 – Red wine
Red wine supports the removal of fat deposits from veins and arteries and is helpful not only in cleansing blood vessels, but also in detoxifying the whole body and keeping the body weight under control. Clearly what I mean here is the moderate consumption of high quality red wine.
#8 – Green tea

One cup of green tea a day is enough to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. What is more, green tea is helpful in boosting metabolism and battling overweight.
#9 – Broccoli and spinach
Both broccoli and spinach are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They support cardiac functions and normalize blood pressure. Their high fiber contents help digestion and body weight management.
#10 – Avocado

A study showed that eating avocado has positive effects on overall cholesterol levels, as it stimulates the production of HDL (also called “good cholesterol”) and is helpful in cleansing the arteries. Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which protect the cardiovascular system.
#11 – Grapefruit
The grapefruit, rich in antioxidants, is also well-known for its ability to lower blood pressure, support blood circulation and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.
#12 – Cinnamon

Cinnamon may help battle cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. Cinnamon is also well-known for its ability to improve body metabolism and support weight loss.
#13 – Water melon
The watermelon has a key role when it comes to keeping blood vessels healthy and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Watermelons are rich in antioxidants and help keep cholesterol levels in check.
#14 – Garlic

Garlic proves to be a valuable ally for good health. It dilates blood vessels, thus helping to lower blood pressure and prevent blood vessel spasms. Garlic consumption also proves efficient in preventing arteriosclerosis plaques.
#15 – Apples and pears
Apple and pears are very rich in fiber, which helps the heart to remain healthy. Both apples and pears help improve blood circulation and keep blood vessels healthy.
Several epidemiological, experimental and clinical studies have indicated that consuming fruits was related to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that fruits (like grapes, blueberries, pomegranate, apples, hawthorn, avocado) have a strong protective role against cardiovascular diseases. Fruits can also facilitate the restoration of morphology and functions of heart and vessels after injury.
These are the main foods to eat for a healthy heart, but eating the right foods is not enough. It is also very important to give up bad habits (like smoking and heavy drinking), manage stress levels, get enough sleep and exercise in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
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